We Strive to provide an engaging, safe and creative envoironment for students by offering exciting experiences in musical theatre and drama proguctions. Our goal is to inspire and strengthen self-confidence, individual expression, and theatre performance skills, while also developing life-long values, teamwork, and the love of performing live theatre for comunity. The Acting Troupe of Lambert is designed to hone the vocal, acting and dance skills set of students who have the desire, discipline, and passion for performing. We strive to saturate our students in all aspects of the theatre, allowing them to gain experience with:

  • Acting Techniques
  • Blocking
  • Vocal Techniques
  • Choreography
  • Ensemble Building
  • Character Analysis & Development
  • Stage Management, Lighting Design
  • Costume Design, Sound Design
  • Set Design & Construction
  • Direction

In order to provide this saturation and in order to provide as many opportunities that we do, our performances are class-based. Students wanting to participate in performances of our main-stage show must audition for class placement, and then once in the class, they will audition for specific roles in the class show. Our Tech theatre class will also work on every show in class as well as portfolio projects and craft skills and are required to participate as a crew member in one show during the year. Our introduction acting class is our only class that does not require after school rehearsals or have a guaranteed performance opportunity – it is a great class for the theatre curious student who may have a full plate of other commitments but still wants to have the fun, exploration, and collaboration of the theatre experience. We encourage our students to create and participate in student run performances either through the ATL club or Improv and hope to facilitate these opportunities as we continue to evolve our program. 

ATL is a diverse, inclusive, and equitable program committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and provide equal opportunity for all students. We cultivate a positive family atmoshpere and a place for students to be themselves.

Questions: email us at atlboosterclub@gmail.com